Are emerging market bonds on the mend? Video updates by our experts

Fixed Income Boutique
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While the second quarter of 2023 was shaped by a major reassessment of monetary policy in developed economies, bonds in emerging markets (EM) outperformed. On one side, we were able to capture the momentum with our emerging market debt strategy. In contrast, our corporate bonds strategy had a difficult quarter, mainly due to turmoil in the Chinese property sector.

At the end of the quarter, the waters calmed down, and June turned out to be a good month for risky assets. As a result, both of our strategies were able to deliver positive returns.

Is the asset class ready to shine now?


Emerging Markets Debt



Emerging Markets Corporates


With an attractive yield, a well-diversified portfolio, and a focus on quality bonds and liquidity, we feel our strategies are well positioned for the second half of 2023.





About the authors

Wouter Van Overfelt

Head of Emerging Markets Bonds, Portfolio Manager
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About the authors

Wouter Van Overfelt

Head of Emerging Markets Bonds, Portfolio Manager
Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Bonds Fixed Income Fixed Income Boutique Outlook

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