
Quantitative Investments

Your partner for leading quantitative investment solutions

How we can help you

Welcome to Quantitative Investments at Vontobel, where innovation meets science in investment management. With a mission to deliver leading quantitative investment solutions to our clients, we specialize in harnessing the power of deep data, cutting-edge technology and diverse talents to engineer high-performing portfolios in ever changing financial markets.

As we design tailor-made solutions to complex client needs we offer purely systematic strategies. Thanks to a modular investment platform we cater to a diverse set of client preferences delivering unique client solutions.

The source of our clients’ success is the development of science-based investment strategies, which are the result of continuous research that is committed to embracing new technological frontiers. Our findings are reflected in innovative solutions that have proven their worth over many market cycles.

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Our investment philosophy

 1.We use a scientific approach to investing
 2.We use economic theory as foundation, not as dogma
 3.We provide utmost transparency on models
 4.We use quant models for systematic investment approaches
 5.We engineer custom solutions based on a modular approach

There is no assurance that the investment objective or targets will be achieved or maintained. Source: Vontobel

Our offering

Multi Asset
SystematicRisk premia in 4 asset classes (Equities, Fixed income, Commodities, Foreign exchange)
Proprietary portfolio construction models
Modular, efficient implementation via derivatives
Building Blocks
EquitiesSemi-passive, regional blocks w/ ESG approach
Swiss and global multi-factor
Custom factor design and implementation
CommoditiesActive commodity management
Both broad-based as well as non-food

Our systematic approach explained

Each month we provide a video update on the systematic elements of investment approaches, as explained in the introductory videos below.



Quanta Bytes

Why partner with us?

Strong track record

We have more than 20 years of experience in quantitative investing, and have delivered excellent returns.


We are active investors. Our quantitative investment processes provide an optimal allocation without behavioral bias.


All of our investment decisions can be traced back to the underlying data allowing for full look-through on model positionings.

Meet the team

Important Information: Any projections regarding future events or the financial performance of countries, markets and/or investments as part of our investment process are based on a variety of estimates and assumptions. There is no assurance that the assumptions made in connection with such projections will prove accurate, and actual results may differ materially. The inclusion of forecasts should not be regarded as an indication that Vontobel considers any forecasts to be a reliable prediction of future events and should not be relied upon as such.

Environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) investing and criteria employed may be subjective in nature. The considerations assessed as part of ESG processes may vary across types of investments and issuers and not every factor may be identified or considered for all investments. Information used to evaluate ESG components may vary across providers and issuers as ESG is not a uniformly defined characteristic. ESG investing may forego market opportunities available to strategies which do not utilize such criteria. There is no guarantee the criteria and techniques employed will be successful. Note: unless otherwise stated within the strategy's investment objective, information herein does not imply that the Vontobel strategy has an ESG-aligned investment objective, but rather describes how ESG criteria and factors are considered as part of the overall investment process.

As of 27/3/2024, Quantitative Investments was formerly known as the Vescore boutique.