The Not So “Secret Sauce” of Portfolio Construction

Quality Growth Boutique
Read 1 min

How do you build the perfect portfolio?

Portfolio construction is a little like gourmet cooking, where quality ingredients are combined to create a balanced meal.

In the Not So “Secret Sauce” of Portfolio Construction, Portfolio Manager David Souccar reveals our view on what’s at the heart of that delicate balance between risk and return.

So what’s our secret? At the Quality Growth Boutique, we focus on predictability of earnings, diversity of drivers, and alpha generation. But the key to our process lies in the long lasting values that define our firm.




About the authors

David Souccar

Portfolio Manager, Senior Research Analyst

Matthew Benkendorf

Chief Investment Officer Quality Growth Boutique, Portfolio Manager

Igor Krutov

Director of Research Quality Growth Boutique
About the authors

David Souccar

Portfolio Manager, Senior Research Analyst

Matthew Benkendorf

Chief Investment Officer Quality Growth Boutique, Portfolio Manager

Igor Krutov

Director of Research Quality Growth Boutique
Equities Quality Growth Boutique White Paper
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