Japanese Stewardship Code

For Japan Investors

The information below is intended for institutions that are registered in Japan for Investment Management Business under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan (Act no. 25 of 1948, as amended, the “FIEA”) only. It is not intended for use by any other persons including members of the general public or investors from other jurisdictions. The information provided does not constitute an offer of or solicitation for purchase or sale of securities or provision of any investment services. Persons resident or domiciled in Japan should consult with their professional advisers as to whether they require any governmental or other consent in order to enable them to invest. The information contained below has been compiled with considerable care to ensure its accuracy at the date of publication. However, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made to its accuracy or completeness. This is informative only and the information provided should not be considered as investment or other advice or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a particular investment.

Japan Stewardship Code Download  
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