
ESG at the Multi Asset Boutique

At the Multi Asset Boutique, we consider the integration of sustainability risk management into the investment process to be integral to our fiduciary duties. We also incorporate specific social and environmental characteristics on a case-by-case basis according to the investment objective of the product or client. 

As an active asset manager of multi asset portfolios, we incorporate sustainability considerations into the investment selection process of single securities such as bonds or equities. For ESG analyses, we rely on our own ESG experts as well as external providers such as MSCI.

While we are committed to addressing ESG issues systematically, we believe our investment solutions need to reflect our clients’ specific demands. There is no “one size fits all”. We regularly integrate additional ESG elements upon request by our clients as part of our tailor-made offer. At the same time, we aim to be fully transparent on any ESG risks that come with our investment solutions.

The Multi Asset Boutique adheres to the Sustainable Investing and Advisory Policy of Vontobel Group. More information about the group-wide policy, including how Principle Adverse Impacts (PAIs) and sustainability risks are considered in investment decision-making, can be found at vontobel.com/sfdr .