Fraud Alerts

Vontobel has been informed of fraud attempts with identity theft in your region.

These fraudulent practices invite you to invest in products using the name of Vontobel entities or some of our employees.

The fraudulent approaches have been carried out using phishing techniques, by e-mail or by telephone canvassing. Their aim is to improperly gain your personal data or to request a transaction by bank transfer or electronic payment.

Vontobel reminds you that it does not carry out any banking or financial canvassing of the public and invites people who believe they are the subject of such fraud attempts to:

  • Never provide any personal or sensitive information especially bank details, address, any financial transactions
  • Always check the sender's address. The e-mail addresses of Vontobel employees are exclusively in the format

If you believe that you have been the victim of a fraudulent attempt using the identity of a Vontobel entity or one of our employees, please contact us here .

We recommend you also do the following:

  • File a complaint with the local authorities
  • Consult the blacklist issued by the financial authority in your country of residence.