Meet Mara


Mara Der Hovanesian

Senior Investigative Analyst

35 years investment experience

14 years with Vontobel

New York

Vontobel Asset Management Inc.

66 Hudson Boulevard

34th Floor, Suite 3401

New York, NY 10001

United States of America

Mara Der Hovanesian joined Vontobel Asset Management in March 2010 as a Research Analyst for the firm’s Quality Growth Boutique and was promoted to Senior Research Analyst in 2013. She is a generalist with a focus on ESG and engagement, working as an Investigative Business Analyst using journalistic skills to conduct research on current and potential portfolio companies and investment themes.

Prior to joining Vontobel Asset Management, from 2000 to 2009, she worked at BusinessWeek magazine as the Associate Editor (2003 – 2009) covering banking and finance, and as the Department Editor (2000 – 2003) covering Wall Street and money management. There, she played a key role breaking news and covering trends preceding the global financial crisis, earning praise from independent media critics for spotting trouble ahead of the competitive pack in New York City and beyond. Prior to that, from 1998 to 2000, she was a staff journalist for Dow Jones & Co., reporting for Dow Jones Newswires, Barron’s Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal. From 1994 to 1998, she wrote for the Knight-Ridder Newspaper Group. Mara Der Hovanesian began her financial writing career in 1990 as a freelance business writer, and her portfolio includes investigative stories that have been featured in The Chicago Tribune, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Boston Globe, and the San Jose Mercury News.

She received both a Master of Arts in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from California State University, San Francisco.